Te Tari Pāngarau me te Tatauranga
Department of Mathematics & Statistics


There are several reasons for completing honours in Statistics. Firstly, because you like Mathematics or Statistics. Secondly, because you are good at it. Thirdly, because you enjoy a challenge. And fourthly, a very practical reason, which could turn out to be of crucial importance after you graduate: an honours degree in Maths or Stats is the standard qualification for entrance to a Ph.D program, both in New Zealand and overseas.

See Martin Hazelton if you are interested in enrolling in the honours program in Statistics.

Honours programs are also available in Mathematics and COMO (link to come).

Entry into the Honours program

The entry requirements for a BSc(Hons) or BA(Hons) in Statistics are: STAT 362, STAT 380, two further 300-level STAT papers, MATH 202 and MATH 203, with an average grade of at least B+ in the STAT papers.

Students take STAT 490 plus four 400-level STAT papers.

Honours project

The project is the full-year paper STAT490. The project is an independent study conducted under the supervision of one or two staff members. The main assessment item is a written report. Students also give two seminars: a preliminary ten-minute description of the project in Semester 1, and a final twenty-minute report near the end of Semester 2.

You should discuss possible topics with lecturers and with the honours coordinator, well before the start of Semester 1. Ideally, you should know your superivor(s) and topic by the statrt of academic year. The written report is due by the end of the lecturing period in Semester 2.

The length and format of the written reports vary widely, depending on the area of study, the nature of the project, and on the subject matter. (All of this is taken into consideration by the examiners.) You should plan your report carefully in consultation with your supervisors: it can take longer than you might think to do the actual writing. You are also welcome to seek guidance from the honours coordinator at any stage.


The class of honours is determined by your final grade:

  • First class is 80+
  • Second class (Division I) 70–79
  • Second class (Division II) 60–69
  • Third class 50–59.